Bucharest: Parliament Senate Entry Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 7 for Activity Bucharest: Parliament Senate Entry Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 2 for Activity Bucharest: Parliament Senate Entry Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 5 for Activity Bucharest: Parliament Senate Entry Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 1 for Activity Bucharest: Parliament Senate Entry Tickets and Guided Tour

Bukarest: Bukarest: Parlamentin senaatti Pääsyliput ja opastettu kierros

CT&T, Romania​
10 kautta 10
Ilmainen peruutusoikeus saatavilla
Hinta on 25 € per aikuinen
  • Ilmainen peruutusoikeus saatavilla
  • 1 h
  • Mobiilikuponki
  • Välitön vahvistus
  • Useilla kielillä
  • Ainutlaatuinen vierailu Romanian senaattiin parlamentin palatsissa
  • Täysistuntosali, luultavasti rakennuksen vaikuttavin kokoushuone.
  • Parlamentin palatsin kokoushuoneet
  • Tutustu massiiviseen arkkitehtuuriin ja vaikuttavaan sisustukseen.
  • Kaupungin kommunistisen arkkitehtuurin tärkeimmät symbolit

Aktiviteetin sijainti

    • Bucharest
    • Bucharest, București, Romania


    • Calea 13 Septembrie 5, București, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance of the Romanian Senate in the Palace of Parliament, located on the southern side of the building (left side from the front), access gate on Calea 13 Septembrie no. 1-3, opposite to the huge Romanian Academy building. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. There is a walkway that goes through the garden strait to the A1 entrance into the building. There, you will meet your guide and you have to show your ID/Passport (original, no copies and no driving license accepted) and pass through the security check point. This is security similar to what you will find at airports or other government buildings. From Monday to Friday the tours are starting from entrance A3S2, located on the Northern side of the building, with access from 1-3 Izvor street, where you will meet our representative wearing a badge CT&T, at the coffee shop inside, if there is no other way mentioned.
    • București, București, Romania

Useita kohtaamis-/lunastuspaikkoja saatavilla. Saat listan kaikista paikoista tarkistamalla sijaintitiedot.

Tarkista saatavuus

Bukarestin parlamentti: Bukarest: Senaatti Pääsyliput ja opastettu kierros
  • Aktiviteetin kesto on 1 tunti1 h
    1 h
  • romania
Kielivaihtoehdot: romania
Alkamisaika: 11.00
25,00 € x 2 aikuista50,00 €

Hinta on 50,00 €
pe 28.3. asti
Tämän sivun sisältö on saatettu tuottaa konekäännösohjelmalla

Mitä hintaan sisältyy ja mitä ei

  • Hintaan sisältyyHintaan sisältyyPääsyliput
  • Hintaan sisältyyHintaan sisältyy Opastettu kierros
  • Hintaan ei sisällyHintaan ei sisällyMahdolliset valokuva- ja videomaksut.

Hyvä tietää ennen varauksen tekemistä

  • Ei sallittu: Lemmikkieläimet, Aseet tai terävät esineet.
  • Ei sovellu: Henkilöt, joilla on liikuntarajoitteita, Pyörätuolin käyttäjät.
  • EU:n kuluttajan oikeuksia koskevien säädösten mukaisesti peruutusoikeus ei koske aktiviteettipalveluita. Palveluntarjoajan peruutuskäytäntöjä sovelletaan.

Mitä voit odottaa

Kun olet saapunut Romanian senaatin sisäpihalle parlamentin palatsin ulkoseinän sisäänkäynnistä, Calea 13 Septembrie -kadulta, tapaat oppaan pääsisäänkäynnillä, jossa hän ohittaa sinut sisäänkirjautumisen turvapisteen ohi.
Parlamenttipalatsi on Bukarestin kommunistisen arkkitehtuurin tärkein symboli. Kierroksen aikana kävelet ylös ja alas rakennuksen pääportaita ja näet rakennuksen vaikuttavia käytäviä, kokous- ja konferenssihuoneita, jotka sijaitsevat rakennuksen eri kerroksissa. Kierroksella pysähdytään myös senaatin tärkeimmässä kokoushuoneessa, täysistuntosalissa. Jos aika sallii, voit nauttia kahvijarrusta paikallisessa kaupassa. Mukavaa kiertuetta!


Aktiviteetin sijainti

    • Bucharest
    • Bucharest, București, Romania


    • Calea 13 Septembrie 5, București, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance of the Romanian Senate in the Palace of Parliament, located on the southern side of the building (left side from the front), access gate on Calea 13 Septembrie no. 1-3, opposite to the huge Romanian Academy building. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. There is a walkway that goes through the garden strait to the A1 entrance into the building. There, you will meet your guide and you have to show your ID/Passport (original, no copies and no driving license accepted) and pass through the security check point. This is security similar to what you will find at airports or other government buildings. From Monday to Friday the tours are starting from entrance A3S2, located on the Northern side of the building, with access from 1-3 Izvor street, where you will meet our representative wearing a badge CT&T, at the coffee shop inside, if there is no other way mentioned.
    • București, București, Romania
    • Calea 13 Septembrie 5, București, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance of the Romanian Senate in the Palace of Parliament, located on the southern side of the building (left side from the front), access gate on Calea 13 Septembrie no. 1-3, opposite to the huge Romanian Academy building. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. There is a walkway that goes through the garden strait to the A1 entrance into the building. There, you will meet your guide and you have to show your ID/Passport (original, no copies and no driving license accepted) and pass through the security check point. This is security similar to what you will find at airports or other government buildings. From Monday to Friday the tours are starting from entrance A3S2, located on the Northern side of the building, with access from 1-3 Izvor street, where you will meet our representative wearing a badge CT&T, at the coffee shop inside, if there is no other way mentioned.
    • București, București, Romania
    • Calea 13 Septembrie 5, București, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance of the Romanian Senate in the Palace of Parliament, located on the southern side of the building (left side from the front), access gate on Calea 13 Septembrie no. 1-3, opposite to the huge Romanian Academy building. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. There is a walkway that goes through the garden strait to the A1 entrance into the building. There, you will meet your guide and you have to show your ID/Passport (original, no copies and no driving license accepted) and pass through the security check point. This is security similar to what you will find at airports or other government buildings. From Monday to Friday the tours are starting from entrance A3S2, located on the Northern side of the building, with access from 1-3 Izvor street, where you will meet our representative wearing a badge CT&T, at the coffee shop inside, if there is no other way mentioned.
    • București, București, Romania